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Buying For Victoria

Display Tender SS-07-2010 

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Thin Client Hardware Devices
Issued By Department of Treasury and Finance
Request for Tender
Electronic Components and Supplies





Tender documents are now available for download. 

The desktop strategy proposed the incremental deployment of Virtualised Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) to up to 50 per cent of the desktop fleet requiring the replacement of 50 per cent of the current desktop computers with Thin Client hardware devices. 

To date, Thin Client hardware devices have not been deployed within government. Accordingly, there is no vehicle in place for their procurement. In recognising this, the Procurement Analysis report produced in July 2009 recommended that a State Purchase Contract (SPC) for Thin Client hardware devices be established through open market competition as part of the desktop strategy. This SPC will aim to deliver a fit-for-purpose range of Thin Client hardware devices and associated services that achieve a value for money (VFM) outcome.
The total annual purchase of Thin Client hardware devices is estimated at $2.92 million with a total purchase value of $14.61 million for the life of the five year contract. Savings including cost avoidance are estimated to be $1.49 million annually with estimated total savings for the life of the contract of $7.46 million